Best Practices

Best Practices

Umbrella of NEP:

  • Facilitation Centre: NEP was implemented in our college in the year 2022 in which there was a drastic shift from the previous CBCS to NEP. For the smooth transition, facilitation centre was set up in the college to acquaint the students about the different set of courses like major, minor, sec, Md, Vac internship programs, ABC accounts of students etc.
  • Introduction of Short term Skill Courses: various short term courses like Community journalism etc. are being run in the college.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: To fulfill the essence of NEP our college is providing variety of Major/Minor/MD courses in Science, Arts and Humanities and Social & Behavioral Sciences.
  • Introduction of Various Skill/ Vocational Courses: Taking into consideration the local needs, new skill/vocational Courses like Veterinary Technology is going to be introduced.

  • Best Practices:

  • Mentor-mentee Scheme: To maintain close rapport between the teachers and students, mentor-mentee groups were formed.
  • Tutorial Classes: In order to provide practical knowledge about the subject, tutorial classes were introduced.
  • Admission related information (Courses offered, fee structure, admission notifications etc) was uploaded on the college website.
  • Community Service: During Annual Jhiri Mela, students of the college assist the administration in traffic and crowd management.
  • Yuva Tourism Club: In order to acquaint the students about historical and cultural heritage of the region, visit to different sites like Ambaran Buddhist site, Akhnoor fort etc. were organised.

  • Student’s Perspective:

  • Multidisciplinary Approach will lead to the holistic development of the students.
  • Close liaison between students and teacher due to mentor-mentee and tutorial program.
  • Students will be better equipped in terms of skills and practical knowledge which lead to better employment opportunities.

  • Faculty Outcome:

    Because of introduction of different practices viz, mentor-mentee scheme, tutorial classes etc, this allowed them to engage students activity in learning process an fostering deeper understanding.


    Institution is becoming one point centre where new course combination (Skill Oriented) being offered to students creating better employment opportunities for them.


    Under NEP, Social Services and Community Development Programmes (NSS, NCC, etc.) have led to better interaction between the students and community. NSS and NCC volunteers regularly conduct door to door rallies highlighting various govt. initiatives, environmental issues and sensitize the public about the same.

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